Thursday, May 6, 2010


Eleanor White rating: OKFebruary 21, 2009ARTICLE: Man jailed after harassing elderly neighbours by whistling Addams Family theme each time he saw themLINK: NEWS ARTICLE FINALLY RECOGNIZES THAT "TRIVIAL" ACTS OFHARASSMENT ARE WORTHY OF COURT ACTION!Note: For non-targets reading this, keep in mind that suchacts of harassment are *multiplied* for organized stalkingtargets, as the stalking groups have multiple perpetratorsacting to keep their target on edge throughout the day,every day.For decades now, targets of organized stalking have faced theproblem of justice system officials treating complaints of OSas trivial. This is accomplished easily when police insistthat each harassment incident be considered ALONE.Organized stalking harassment is an endless, daily chain of"small" harassment acts which by themselves are seen as trivial.People hearing a target complain of such incidents always refuseto hear the target explaining that these things go on DAILY,usually multiple times daily, in different forms. It is theCUMULATIVE effect of street harassment, together with "small"harassment acts committed inside the homes, cars and workplaces ofthe target that turn a life into an unending nightmare.Clearly this pattern of harassment has been chosen so as to makethe target appear mentally ill. This pattern of harassment alsomakes it easy for police to ignore complaints.The news story in this review is the first official acknowledgementI'm aware of the CUMULATIVE effect of a "trivial" act of harassment,that being breaking into a whistle every time a target approaches.This is an extremely common "trivial" form of harassment.Other such "trivial" forms of harassment are entering the home ofa target while the target is out and scattering dirt on the floor,tossing cigarette butts on the floor, leaving pennies around thehome, or just moving furniture out of place. Sabotage of target'spossessions, including clothing, also occurs.One police officer described this type of harassment activity as"micro-tampering."To those who think endless "trivial" harassment is rare, considerthe fact that the United Kingdom has instituted an "anti-socialcourt order" system, under which people committing "trivial" actsare ticketed. If this type of behaviour were very rare, wouldsuch a system have been established?Organized stalking targets everywhere cheer magistrate John Warrenfor actually awarding JAIL time to this harasser for his "trivial"acts!Here below is the quoted text of the article:QUOTE:Man jailed after harassing elderly neighbours by whistling AddamsFamily theme each time he saw themBy Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 12:52 PM on 14th February 2009A nuisance neighbour who taunted an elderly couple by whistling thetheme from the Addams Family whenever he saw them has been jailed.Leopold Wrobel harassed the pensioners for more than four years,making them feel like prisoners in their home.His victims, Michael and Kathleen Sharpe, said Wrobel had 'nearlysucceeded' in destroying their lives.Michael and Kathleen Sharpe were harrassed by their neighbour forfour yearsWrobel, 51, had been handed an anti-social behaviour order lastDecember for harassing the couple.But a court heard his nuisance behaviour, which had already lastedfor four years, continued on the day the order was imposed.The court was shown CCTV footage from cameras on the Sharpes'property, which picked up Wrobel's repeated whistling when theyarrived at or left the house.Michael Treharne, prosecuting, said each incident taken in isolationwould probably seem silly or almost pathetic.Leopold Wrobel: He taunted the coupleBut he added: 'If something happens on an ongoing basis and goes onand on and on, eventually it reaches the stage of being absolutelyintolerable. 'Mr Sharpe, from Wingerworth in Derbyshire, told the court Wrobel'sbehaviour had made his wife ill and she had started losing her hair.'It's been devastating and it's done what he wanted to do, to try todestroy our lives,' the 68-year-old said. 'He very nearly succeeded.'His wife told magistrates they could not leave the house withoutWrobel being there.The 66-year-old added: 'He frightens me, I've not been able to live anormal life. I was a prisoner in my own home.'Wrobel denied breaching the Asbo and two further counts ofharassment, including watching the couple and their family andwhistling the theme from the 1960s horror comedy. But he was foundguilty by magistrates and sentenced to 20 weeks in prison .Julia Bosworth, defending, told Chesterfield Magistrates' Court herclient disputed he was the perpetrator of all the whistling, and saidhis whistles were directed at his dog, not the Sharpe family.Wrobel told the court: 'I couldn't care less what they do, it's of nointerest to me at all.'But John Warren, chairman of the magistrates' bench, said Wrobel'sversion of events was not credible.Passing sentence, he said: 'You pursued a course of conduct thatcaused great distress to the Sharpe family and have shown norecognition of the impact on that family.'Speaking after Wrobel was sentenced, Mrs Sharpe said: 'I'm sorelieved, it's been an absolute nightmare. It's affected our healthand all the family.'END QUOTEEleanor White

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