Saturday, May 1, 2010


Satanic Ritual Abuse is not a random event among the 1-2% of the Global Elite that have taken over our world. It has a purpose and method that are both insidious and scientific. The Germans perfected the methodology in their concentration camps, and were then secretly imported into the United States via "Operation Paperclip". Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" has been sighted by many of those that broke free from the Cult. Some claim he actually did their "programming" under the alias of "Dr. Green."
"..I encountered the Group as a result of a personal investigation into a very strange series of deaths and bizarre behavior changes I observed among my acquaintances in a chemical factory that produced raw materials for plastics manufacture. All I knew at the start was that about 50 [now 100] employees had died of leukemia, aplastic anemia, various forms of cancer, and other illnesses that fit with only two possible causes: long-term exposure to benzene or to low-level radiation. The pattern included a series of sudden, unexpected heart attacks among spouses of dead or dying workers who asked questions about the cause of their husbands' deaths. Since the plant supposedly had no radioactive materials, I litigated a large-scale case on the assumption that the only possible cause was benzene. About 3 years after the case was over [I won it.], a series of employees there began exhibiting bizarre behavior changes. One of them privately confided in me, and her confidences caused me to open a very private, personal investigation. I determined that this woman and a second female employee had been subjected to some form of trauma under hypnosis by several men connected with the plant's MEDICAL staff. Both men had participated in what seemed a NAZI group called [the] ORDER OF THE FOURTH REICH. Both of the women were interrogated under hypnosis by the experts referred to earlier, under my direction. During the first 18 months of interrogations we learned that a form of "mind control" was used on the women and MANY other plant employees, as well as on my main [male] informant to conceal the covert manufacture of an illicit product at that factory. The Group's agents used a "mind control" method that concealed their observations and memories of its production from THEMSELVES. Here is how it worked: Employees' trust was gained by the Group's agents in the plant medical department. When the employees were called in for medical exams or given 'medication' by the plant physician and some of his staff, the employees were instructed in methods they were to use to forget events they had observed at the plant. The employees were taught to "remember to forget" incidents that the Group's agents did not want them to recall. In some cases these instructions were accompanied by physical torture under drugged hypnosis until the employee complied with the instructions. The subject is highly technical, but the end result was the concealment of a witness's memory from the witness's own consciousness, except in a hypnotic state." (anon)
"TRAINING OF UNCONSCIOUS ASSASSINS ALSO KNOWN AS 'U-BOATS,' INCLUDING OSWALD, SIRHAN, possibly RAY, & MANY OTHERS LIKE THEM: The subject cannot possibly [be] treated in the short space I have left. Bare bones: Victims are drugged into regression to early childhood. They are subjected to incredible pain, many expiring in the process. The natural response to the levels of pain DR. MENGELE had perfected was dissociation of the conscious mind. In that state they were given new, GERMAN names and trained as one would train a killer guard dog. They kill on command. THEY ARE ARTIFICIALLY-PRODUCED 'MULTIPLE' PERSONALITIES. One of the top people in their development appears to have been Sirhan Sirhan's psychiatrist, DR. DIAMOND. There were other prominent psyche folks in on it. They have no memory of the kill, except when prompted by the proper stimuli. MENGELE told my informant THAT HE personally did the training on Oswald. Location unknown, but we suspect Mexico City in Summer, 1963. [The] CIA gave John Marks [Search for Manchurian Candidate] what appears to be a real hokey, perhaps forged or fabricated, "field report" for the initial field test of an unconscious assassin in Mexico City in July, 1963 [see Marks' book, p. 190]. I suspect that if someone can get that file and bust a few balls, they'll find the memo given to Marks in his FOIA litigation was a substitute for one that named Oswald and depicted a successful 'experiment.' The likely control of the project we suspect to have been GEHLEN, but the CIA Director mentioned above may have also played a major role. Oswald was trained as a 'patsy' only. He fired no shots. Sirhan was given the full course. His back-up was a man posing as a guard. Ray [who killed Martin Luther King] had the Oswald-type training..." (anon)
Svali Explains: "Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins before birth. Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus is very capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma. This is usually done between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy. Techniques used include: placing headphones on the mother's abdomen, and playing loud, discordant music (such as some modern classical pieces, or even Wagner's operas). Loud, heavy rock has also been used. Other methods include having the mother ingest quantities of bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus inside the womb. The mother's abdomen may be hit as well. Mild shock to the abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday. Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date is desired. (Svali)
Once the infant is born, testing is begun at a very early age, usually during the first few weeks of life. The trainers, who are taught to look for certain qualities in the infant, will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check its reflexes to different stimuli. The infant's strength, how it reacts to heat, cold, and pain are all tested. Different infants react differently, and the trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and reaction times. They are also encouraging early dissociation in the infant with these tests.
The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants). The intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from pain (yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.)
Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well, in a rudimentary sense. The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. This is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with "love" and attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or "family". The infant will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security.
As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more methodically. This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding with the infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled and terrified, crying. It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or exposed to short periods of isolation. Deprivation of food, water, and basic needs may begin later in this stage. All of these methods are done in order to create intentional dissociation in the infant. The infant of this age may be taken to group meetings, but outside of special occasions, or dedications, will have no active role yet in the cult setting. The small infants are usually left with a cult member, or caretaker, who watches them during the group's activities; this caretaker role is usually rotated among lower level or teenage members.
Between the ages of 20 and 24 months, the toddler may begin the "steps of discipline" which the Illuminati use to teach their children. The age the child begins them will vary, depending upon the group, the parent, the trainer, and the child. These "steps of discipline" would be better called "steps of torment and abuse" as their purpose is to create a highly dissociative child, out of touch with their feelings, who is completely and unthinkingly loyal to the cult. The order of the steps may also be varied a little, depending on the whims of the trainer or parents.
I will first discuss the first five steps of discipline: (note: these steps may vary somewhat from region to region, but most follow this outline at least roughly, even if not in the same order)
First step: to not need
The small toddler/child is placed in a room without any sensory stimulus, usually a training room with gray, white, or beige walls. The adult leaves and the child is left alone, for periods of time: these may vary from hours, to an entire day as the child grows older. If the child begs the adult to stay, and not leave, or screams, the child is beaten, and told that the periods of isolation will increase until they learn to stop being weak. The ostensible purpose of this discipline is to teach the child to rely on its own internal resources, and not on outside people ("strengthen it"). What it actually does is create a huge terror of abandonment within the child. When the adult, or trainer, returns to the room, the child is often found rocking itself, or hugging itself in a corner, occasionally almost catatonic from fear. The trainer will then "rescue" the child, feed and give it something to drink and bond with the child as their "savior". The trainer will tell them the "family" told the trainer to rescue the child, because its family "loves" it. The trainer will instill cult teachings, at this point, into the helpless, fearful, and almost insanely grateful child who has just been "rescued" from isolation. The trainer will reinforce in the child over and over how much it "needs " its family, who just rescued it from death by starvation or abandonment. This will teach the very young toddler to associate comfort and security with bonding with its trainer, who may be one of its parents, and being with "family" members. The cult is very aware of child developmental principles, and has developed exercises like the above after hundreds of years of teaching very young children.
Second step: to not want
This step is very similar to the first step, and actually reinforces it. It will be done intermittently with the first step over the next few years of the child's life. Again, the child is left alone in a training room, or isolated room, without food or water for a long period of time. An adult will enter the room, with a large pitcher of ice water, or food. If the child asks for either, as the adult is eating or drinking in front of the child, he/she is severely punished for being weak and needy. This step is reinforced, until the child learns not to ask for food or water unless it is offered first. The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is that it creates a child who is strong, and can go without food and water for longer and longer periods of time. The real reason this is done is that it creates a child who is completely dissociated from its own needs for food, water, or other comforts, who becomes afraid to ask outside adults for help. This creates in the child a hyper-vigilance as she/he learns to look for outside adults for cues on when it is okay to fulfill needs, and not to trust her/his own body signals. The child is already learning to look outside itself to others to learn how it should think or feel, instead of trusting its own feelings. The cult now becomes the locus of control for the child.
Third step: to not wish
The child is placed in a room with favorite toys, or objects. A kind adult comes into the room and engages the child in play. This adult my be a friend, aunt, parent, or trainer. The child and adult may engage in fantasy play about the child's secret wishes, dreams, or wants. This will occur on several occasions, and the child's trust is slowly gained. At some later point, the child is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with the adult, including the destruction of favorite toys, going in and undoing or destroying secret safe places the child may have created, or even destroying non cult protectors. This step is repeated, with variations, many times over the ensuing years. Occasionally, the child's siblings, parents, or friends will be used to reveal inside fantasies the child has revealed to them during the daytime, or in unguarded moments. The ostensible reason the cult gives for this step is to create a child who doesn't fantasize, who is more outwardly directed, less inwardly directed. In other words, the child is to look to adults for permission in all aspects of its life, including internal. The reality is that this step destroys all safe places the child has created internally, to retreat from the horrors it is experiencing. This step creates in the child the feeling that there is no true safety, that the cult will find out everything it thinks. Exercises like this are also used to create young alters in the child who will self report to the cult trainers any secret safe places, or covert wishes against the cult, that other alters have. This will then begin to set up intersystem hostility and divisiveness, which the cult will manipulate throughout theperson's life span in order to control them.
Fourth step: the survival of the fittest
This step is used in order to begin creating perpetrator alters in the young child. ALL CULT MEMBERS WILL BE EXPECTED TO BECOME PERPETRATORS; THIS BEGINS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. The child is brought into a room where there is a trainer and another child of approximately the same age, or slightly younger, that the child being taught. The child is severely beaten, for a long period of time, by the trainer, then told to hit the other child in the room, or they will be beaten further. If the child refuses, it is punished severely, the other child is punished as well, then the child is told to punish the other child. If the child continues to refuse, or cries, or tries to hit the trainer instead, they will continue to be beaten severely, and told to hit the other child, to direct its anger at the other child. This step is repeated until the child finally complies. This step is begun around age 2 to 2 1/2, and is used to create aggressive perpetrator alters in the young child. As the child becomes older, the punishing tasks become more and more brutal. Children are expected to become perpetrators of others at very young ages, and will "practice" on children younger than themselves, with the encouragement and rewarding by the adults around them. They will also be mimicking these adults, who role model perpetration constantly as normal. The child will be taught that this is the acceptable outlet for the aggressive impulses and rage that are created by the brutality the child is constantly being exposed to.
Fifth step: the code of silence
Many, many different stratagems are used to put this in, starting at around the age of two years old, when a child starts becoming more verbal. Usually, after a ritual or group gathering, the child is asked about what they saw, or heard, during the meeting. Like most obedient young children, they will comply. They are immediately severely beaten, or tortured, and a new alter is created, who is told to keep or guard the memories of what was seen, on pain of their life. The new part always agrees. The child and this new part are put through a ceremony of swearing to never ever tell; and alters are created whose job it is to kill the body, if the other parts ever remember.
The child is also put through severe psychological torture to ensure that it will never be tempted to tell, including: being buried alive; near drowning; watching "traitor's deaths" involving slow painful torture, such as being burned, or skinned alive; being buried with a partially rotted corpse and being told that they will become a corpse like it if they ever tell, etc. The scenarios go on and on, invented by people with endlessly cruel imaginations, in order to ensure the secrecy of the young child. These methods have been perfected over hundreds of years of practice by the cult with its children. The reason these things are done is self evident: the cult is involved in criminal activities, as explained in the first few chapters of this book, and they want to ensure the continued silence of its children. This is one reason why the cult has survived so long, and with its continued shroud of secrecy; why more survivors are afraid/unwilling to disclose their abuse. In order to reveal cult secrets, a child must go against some of the most tremendously horrendous psychological trauma and abuse imaginable; even as an adult, the survivor has difficulty putting these things aside, when discussing their abuse. Children and adults alike are told that if they ever tell, they will be hunted down and shot (the assassin training lets the child know that this is no idle threat); that they will be tortured slowly. The child will be exposed to setups and role plays throughout their growing up that reinforces this step. (Svali)........
In Christian cultures, abusive groups pervert the major Christian holidays: Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. The Jewish holidays may also be observed in an abusive manner. IE: Santa Claus costumes will be worn on Christmas by ritual abusers. If a child gets extremely upset in the presence of a public "Santa", this may be the cause.
Similarly, the pre-Christian pagan holidays have been stolen and perverted. Abusive groups originating in Northern and Western Europe observe the winter and summer solstice (12/21 and 6/21) and thespring and fall equinox (3/21 and 9/21). Four holidays fall between the solstices and equinoxes. They are: Candlemas (2/2), Beltane (5/1), Lammas (8/2) and Samhain, or Halloween (10/31).
Symptoms that are suggestive of ritual abuse are either a fascination with or a phobia of objects, events, or symbols specific to ritual abuse and not generally encountered in other types of physical and sexual abuse. Example of symbols includes crosses, crucifixes, pentagrams (stars), eyes, “magick” and “occult” symbols, certain numbers, and certain colors. Objects provoking fascination or phobia can include blood, knives, electricity, coffins, dolls, babies, and certain animals.
Events similar to abusive events may also provoke extreme reactions. These include the holidays observed by the cult, medical and dental procedures, and childbirth or abortion.
Dissociation means the separation of things that were, or usually are, together (e.g., associated.) In their minds, people usually remember a whole event, including sights, sounds, feelings, and meaning. When dissociation occurs, the remembered event may be devoid of meaning or feelings, which are separated and stored in another part of the mind. In other words, the different parts of the memory are stored and recalled separately, not as a congruent whole.
Strictly speaking, dissociation is a mental process, a way of recording and storing information. It is one of the mind’s ways of operating. Some information may be dissociated, while other information is stored as a whole.
Sometimes you hear “So-and-so is dissociated.” This is shorthand for saying that their mind uses dissociation. A person is always a whole person, regardless of how their mind works. Nobody stores their feet in one place, their nose in another, and their mind someplace else, even though some days it may feel that way.
Dissociation occurs when a person experiences extreme stress or stimulation. Under these conditions, life is experienced differently and the memory of an event is stored differently in the mind. Research suggests that the brain operates differently when experiencing or recalling stressful and non-stressful events.
Here is a personal example that many people may be able to relate to. I remember skidding badly on an icy street. As the car skidded, colors seemed brighter and time passed very slowly, I was enveloped in total silence even though the radio was on and I experienced no thoughts or feelings whatsoever. I was aware of only the visual part of this experience as it happened. Later, the emotions hit. I was so frightened that my heart pounded and my legs shook, but I could no longer clearly remember the visual memory.
When a child is severely abused, extreme stress occurs repeatedly. Many events are experienced in a state of shock, stored in a dissociative state, and recalled in fragments.
If a child dissociates extensively, even memories of less stressful events can be dissociated. Perhaps the child is still in shock, perhaps the child’s sensitivity to stress is raised, perhaps the mind comes to store all material in a familiar way.
There are innate temperamental differences between people. Some people probably dissociate more easily than others or require less stress to change over into dissociative mode.
A flashback is a dissociated memory that returns to consciousness. It can be a smell, a taste, a sound, an image, an emotion, or all these things together. It can last a moment or linger on for weeks.
People describe smelling alcohol or perfume when none is present, hearing a phrase over and over again in their heads, feeling panic or dread for no logical reason, or seeing images, like snapshots or movies behind their eyes. All these are fragmented memories rising up into consciousness. They can be extremely vivid and can appear to be happening in the present. The more fragments come together at the same time, the more intense the flashback.
Flashbacks are terrifying if you don’t know what they are and if you don’t realize they will eventually stop. Experiencing flashbacks doesn’t mean you are going crazy - it means that you are at a point in your life when you are able to deal with things that you couldn’t cope with earlier. They tend to lose their intensity when you have assembled the fragments into a coherent memory, talked about it, cried about it, and absorbed the memory into your life.
In some children, the mental fragments are organized or arranged into “personalities” which seem to have a history and a life of their own. Often the personalities are so separated that they are not aware of each other’s existence. This is called an amnesic barrier.
Imagine a child with a mother who is loving one moment and cruel and sadistic the next. The child will obviously react differently, depending on the mother’s mood. The child will learn different ways of responding to the “good” mother and the “bad” mother. All children do this to some extent because no adult is perfectly consistent.
Now imagine that the child is so stressed out that memories of interactions with the “bad” mother are dissociated. When the “good” mother is around, the child has no knowledge of the “bad” mother, or of the “bad” child. But as soon as the mother turns nasty, the child switches, and knows exactly how to react. That’s multiplicity.
An alter is one personality of a person with multiplicity. The personality who is “out” most of the time is often called the host personality, and personalities seen less frequently are called alternative personalities, or alters. Some people have only one or two alters, others have hundreds or even thousands.
Some people with multiplicity experience each alter as a separate person. Others experience them as different from their usual self, but not as different people. Multiplicity is not exactly the same from person to person and each person’s experience of their inner reality is unique.
Often alters have names, have a distinct age, and have specific jobs to do. One may be in charge of feeling anger, another of going to school or work, another may be the one who decides which alter gets to be in control of the body at any given time. Alters may have a different gender from the body or a different sexual orientation from the host. There may even be alters who are animals, objects, or abstract ideas. Sometimes people have alters who are experienced as being dead or immortal.
The formation of alters is a natural psychological process, given extreme early childhood stress. Abusive adults who are aware of the process can manipulate and train the emerging personalities to their own ends. Some survivors of ritual abuse have alters trained by their abusers to do certain tasks and to behave in ways desired by the abusers. And some survivors have alters organized in elaborate patterns designed by the perpetrators, with strict rules about how the alters communicate with each other.
When two or more alters are aware of what is happening in the present, they are said to be co-conscious. When two or more alters share control over the body’s actions, they are said to be co-present.
A person may have alters who are unaware of each other, alters who are always mutually aware of each other, and alters who are aware at some times but not others. Alters who are aware of the presence of other personalities know they are multiple, while alters who aren’t in contact with other personalities firmly believe they are “the only one there.” An alter may even be multiple.
Integration is used to describe two different processes. One is the process of alters learning to communicate and cooperate and sharing their memories with each other. The other sense of the word is the actual merging (or fusion) of two or more alters to become one. Nothing is lost: all memories, talents, and personality traits are preserved, but organized in a different way. One survivor described integration as “falling in love with myself” rather than as the death of part of herself, as she had feared.
Some people do not fuse and find that their lives are perfectly satisfactory as long as their alters are communicating well. Others fuse partially, reducing the number of alters. Most people with many alters do this in stages, allowing for time for the system to stabilize and get used to the new internal organization. Some people “become one” for a period of time and then either new alters are formed to deal with new life circumstances or the former alters split off and become themselves again.
Living with being multiple is an on-going process, just like living with not being multiple is. There are choices to be made, decisions that make life easier or harder. There is no hard and fast rule about what the “best” way is - each person’s path in life is unique.

Featured: Scientist built a home made 24 KW Magnetic Generator for his home A Small version is only $100 to Build* Read Henry Makow's: "Illuminati"* Read Paul Drockton's "The Knights Templar Conspiracy"
Posted by Paul A Drockton M.A. at 8:22 AM 0 comments
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Signs of Sexual Abuse:
Possible Physical or Visible Signs of Sexual AbuseSocial or geographic isolation of family (incest)Daughter/mother role-reversal (incest)Father doting/lavishing gifts on select child (incest)Children forced into parental roles (incest)Sexually-transmitted diseaseUnexplained pregnanciesBruising/bleeding in rectal, thigh, and/or genital areasComplaints of stomach and abdominal painEvidence of regressive bedwetting, incontinence, etcRecurrent urinary tract infectionsYeast infectionsDrastic weight loss/gainEvidence of purging foodFoul oders emanating from genitaliaVaginal or penile dischargeLubricant residuePersistent sore throatRadical change of appearanceSigns of exhaustion/lack of sleepPossession of unexplained gifts or moneySigns of intoxication after spending time w/adult or older adolescent
Possible Behaviorial Signs of Sexual AbuseSexually-precocious or attempts to mask seductive behaviorHides secondary sexual characteristicsAttempts to be unattractiveAbnormal sexual knowledgeRadical mood swingsSense of danger where he/she livesChange in eating habits (bulimia, anorexia, or compulsive eating)Inappropriately seductiveApparent boredom w/age peers and age appropriate activitiesNightmares, insomnia, sleepwalking and other sleep disturbancesRadical change in school performance for better or worseFearful about certain peopleOver achievementDepression, crying episodes, etc.Substance abuse/addictionExpression of "damaged goods" syndromeAngry, hostile or aggressive behaviorFear of adult or adolescentFear of being photographedAnxiety reaction to authority figuresFear of undressing or refusal to undress in gym classPseudo-mature/overly-compliant or accommodatingRegressive, babyish behaviorIntense efforts to gain attention/affection from adultsSpending inordinate amounts of time in game rooms, arcades. etcRecruiting other children to become involved with an adultSuicidal thinking, gestures, and attemptsHints regarding sexual behaviorFear of nurturing/withdrawal/impaired ability to trustSelf-mutalative behaviorFind reasons to not go home (helping teachers, etc.)Neurological and verbal expressive delaysKilling/torturing domestic animalsSelf-hatredMemory lossRunawayFear of the darkFind reasons to not be with someone they used to spend time with (or any change of behavior toward a friend or family member)Unable to concentrate, daydreaming, 'spacing out', 'in a world of their own'Withdrawn, isolated, or excessively worriedExcessive or early masterbationStarts sucking thumb or fingers (toddlers and young children) I know this one, because that's what I started doing when my father started abusing me. My mom couldn't figure out why I suddenly started sucking my thumb as a toddler. I still haven't stopped. It's my security blanket, it relaxes me. - DBecomes a perpetrator, targeting a child, sibling, or friendFear of parent leaving her. (My daughter begged me not to go, even when her dad was here at home.) -DInappropriate kissing in young children. (When kissing my children goodnight, the kiss from them was prolonged and seemed passionate.) -DNervous or fearful around adults, in particular, men. -DNot wanting someone, including a parent, to change his/her diaper or give him/her a bath. -DImaginary friend(s) -DThe one major sign of sexual abuse we've encountered is bowel movement accidents in older toilet trained children.



Friday, April 30, 2010





Beheaded Canada bus man 'named'

Vince Weiguang Li has been charged with second-degree murder
A young man beheaded in a savage knife attack on a Canadian cross-country bus has been identified by friends as a "bubbly" 22-year-old man.
Canadian police have not yet formally confirmed the victim's identity, but friends paid tribute on Facebook and in e-mails to Canadian media.
One told broadcaster CBC that Tim McLean, the presumed victim, was loved by many and called him a "ladies man".
Police have charged Vince Weiguang Li, 40, with second-degree murder.
Mr Li, of Edmonton, Alberta, appeared in court in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, on Friday.
He said nothing when the judge asked whether he was going to use a lawyer, merely nodding when asked whether he was exercising the right not to speak.
The judge said Mr Li should appear in court on Tuesday after he had had an opportunity to speak to a lawyer.
Newly-established Facebook groups and Tim McLean's Myspace page have filled with messages of support for the victims' family after news of the horrific killing.
Eyewitnesses on board the bus, which was travelling through a desolate stretch of Canada's vast prairies, said the victim was stabbed 50 or 60 times by the man sitting next to him.

Friends say the victim is Tim McLean, but police have not confirmed this
The attacker then severed his head with a large knife, reportedly brandishing the head to terrified passengers.
In an e-mail to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a friend of Tim McLean, Jossie Kehler, told of her sadness.
"He has a lot of friends and they are all very upset he's gone, and they would like to say they miss him and he will always be in their hearts," she wrote.
On Facebook, news of the killing led to hundreds of friends and well-wishers joining a tribute group.
The site description read: "RIP Tim McLean, you are loved and you will be missed dearly! That man will pay for what he did! We love you!"
'No rage'
The attacker was arrested after a lengthy standoff with police late on Wednesday night.

Police say they do not know what may have provoked the attackOne passenger, Garnet Caton, said many of the 37 passengers saw the attacker "cutting the guy's head off and pretty much gutting him up".
The attacker ran at them, Mr Caton said, and they ran out of the bus, holding the door shut to prevent him getting out.
The attack appeared to be unprovoked and it is thought the killer did not know his victim.
The passengers, many of whom were badly shaken by what they witnessed, were taken to a hotel in Brandon, Manitoba, and were given crisis counselling.

China tightens school security after 3rd attack
BEIJING – Armed police will patrol schools in China's capital after a farmer attacked kindergarten students with a hammer, then burned himself to death Friday in the third classroom assault in as many days.
The government ordered schools across the country to tighten security, and anxious parents of students targeted in an earlier attack marched in protest Friday night, demanding a better government response to the crisis.
In the latest assault, Wang Yonglai used a motorcycle to break down the gate of the Shangzhuang Primary School in the city of Weifang and struck a teacher who tried to block him before hitting students with a hammer, the official Xinhua News Agency said.
Wang then grabbed two children, poured gasoline over his body, and set himself on fire. Teachers pulled the children to safety, but Wang died. None of the five injured students had life-threatening wounds, Xinhua said.
The attack was confirmed by an employee at the Weifang Public Security information office. Wang's motive was unclear. Xinhua described him only as a farmer.
Chinese schools have had five such attacks in just over a month — unusual in a country where extreme violence is comparatively rare and strict controls keep most people from owning guns. Sociologists suspect the rampages — usually by lone, male attackers — could be copycat actions.
State media reports have largely shied away from why students have been targets. Experts say outbursts against defenseless children can be due to social pressures in a rapidly changing society.
The attacks have been particularly shocking because most urban families in China have only one child due to government population control policies.
"Children are the ones people care about the most, and they are the most innocent," said Ma Ai, a sociology professor at the China University of Political Sciences and Law in Beijing.
Targeting children is "beyond the bottom line of human morals," he said.
State media either ignored or played down Friday's attack. It wasn't mentioned on the evening news in the eastern province of Shandong, where it occurred, and Xinhua didn't release a Chinese-language story on its website. Experts have worried openly about copycats, but authorities may also have wanted to avoid overshadowing Friday's opening of the World Expo in Shanghai, a pet government project.
"In circumstances like this, where it appears quite possible there's a copycat element, it's responsible for agencies to limit both the volume and the type of publicity," said Michael Phillips, the Shanghai-based co-author of a mental health survey in China published in the medical journal The Lancet in June.
On Wednesday, a 33-year-old former teacher broke into a primary school in the southern city of Leizhou and wounded 15 students and a teacher with a knife. The attacker had been on sick leave from another school since 2006 for mental health problems.
At a school in the eastern city of Taixing on Thursday, a 47-year-old unemployed man armed with an eight-inch (20-centimeter) knife wounded 29 students aged 4 or 5 — five of them seriously — plus two teachers and a security guard.
A group of parents marched Friday night outside the Taixing People's Hospital, demanding a better government response and proper care for their children. Video posted online showed them holding signs that read "Baby come home," and chanting, "We want the truth!"
Two witnesses, including a parent, confirmed the protest by phone and said police were at the scene. A photo posted online showed what looked like hundreds of people outside the hospital. Another showed broken glass on a sidewalk, describing it as the hospital entrance.
The same Twitter feed later showed a photo of city leaders meeting with parents and said they told the crowd that four people remained in grave condition.
The government on Friday issued an urgent directive to schools to tighten security. In the capital, the Beijing Education Commission ordered armed tactical police to begin patrolling around nursery, primary and secondary schools starting May 4, the first day back to school after the May Day holiday. Police will be on site when classes begin and end.
According to news reports, guards will be armed with police batons and pepper spray in a district of the eastern city of Nanjing, and guards at kindergarten, elementary and middle schools in one Beijing district have been given long-handled metal restraint poles with a hook on the end. In Jinan, the capital of the province where Friday's attack occurred, police posts are being built on elementary and middle schools campuses.
The Education Ministry's directive Friday, posted on its website, urged "concrete actions," including strictly implementing a rule already on the books to register all visitors to school campuses and preventing unidentified people from entering.
The order also told schools to work closely with police to "implement all kinds of security activities."
The central government first ordered increased school security in 2004 following an attack that left nine students dead at a Beijing school. Since 2006, schools have been required to register or inspect all visitors.
In an editorial Friday, the English-language China Daily said security should be tightened at schools nationwide, but it stressed the need to prevent attacks in the first place.
China likely has about 173 million adults with mental health disorders, and 158 million of them have never
..rofessional help, according to a survey in four provinces published in The Lancet in June.
"It can be easy to put killers on trial and execute them, but it is far more difficult to find out the deep-seated causes behind such horrifying acts," the China Daily editorial said. "Our efforts should be focused on preventing these from happening. We should find out what propelled them to such extremes. What problems do they have? Could anyone have helped, especially the authorities?"








excerpted from above link:

Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage War

From the desk of Fjordman on Tue, 2006-03-28 22:49

Last year I wrote an article about how Swedish society is disintegrating and is in danger of collapsing, at least in certain areas and regions. The country that gave us Bergman, ABBA and Volvo could become known as the Bosnia of northern Europe. The “Swedish model” would no longer refer to a stable and peaceful state with an advanced economy, but to a Eurabian horror story of utopian multiculturalism, socialist mismanagement and runaway immigration. Some thought I was exaggerating, and that talk of the possibility of a future civil war in Sweden was pure paranoia. Was it?
In a new sociological survey (pdf in Swedish, with brief English introduction) entitled “Vi krigar mot svenskarna” (“We’re waging a war against the Swedes”), young immigrants in the troubled city of Malmö have been interviewed about why they are involved in crime. Although it is not stated, most of the immigrant perpetrators are Muslims. In one of the rare instances where the Swedish media actually revealed the truth, the newspaper Aftonbladet reported several years ago that 9 out of 10 of the most criminal ethnic groups in Sweden came from Muslim countries. This must be borne in mind whilst reading the following newspaper article:
Immigrants are
waging war” against Swedes through robbery
The wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed during this past year is part of a “war against the Swedes.” This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrant backgrounds when questioned about why they only rob native Swedes, in interviews with Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology. “I read a report about young robbers in Stockholm and Malmö and wanted to know why they rob other youths. It usually does not involve a lot of money,” she says. She interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years old, both individually and in groups.
Almost 90% of all robberies reported to the police were committed by gangs, not individuals. “When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes.” This argument was repeated several times. “Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” The boys explain, laughingly, that “there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you’re robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you’ve succeeded, it simply feels good.” “It’s so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.” “We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.” The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: “The Swedes don’t do anything, they just give us the stuff. They’re so wimpy.” The young robbers do not plan their crimes: “No, we just see some Swedes that look rich or have nice mobile phones and then we rob them.”Why do they hate the Swedes so much? “Well, they hate us,” Petra Åkesson reports them as answering. “When a Swede goes shopping, the lady behind the counter gives him the money back into his hand, looks into his eyes and laughs. When we go shopping, she puts the money on the counter and looks the other way.” Åkesson, who is adopted from Sri Lanka and hence does not look like a native Swede, says it was not difficult to get the boys to talk about their crimes. Rather they were bragging about who had committed the most robberies. Malin Åkerström,a professor in sociology, sees only one solution to the problem: “Jobs for everybody. If this entails a deregulation of the labor market to create more jobs, then we should do so.”
It is interesting to note that these Muslim immigrants state quite openly that they are involved in a “war,” and see participation in crime and harassment of the native population as such. This is completely in line with what I have posited before. The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. Lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm found that 85 per cent of the convicted rapists were born on foreign soil or from foreign parents. The phenomenon is not restricted to Sweden. The number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations is so extremely high that it is difficult to view these rapes as merely random acts of individuals. It resembles warfare. This is happening in most Western European countries, as well as in other non muslim countries such as India. European jails are filling up with Muslims imprisoned for robberies and all kinds of violent crimes, and Muslims bomb European civilians. One can see the mainstream media are struggling to make sense of all of this. That is because they cannot, or do not want to, see the obvious: this is exactly how an invading army would behave: rape, pillage and bombing. If many of the Muslim immigrants see themselves as conquerors in a war, it all makes perfect sense.
Malmö in Sweden, set to become the first Scandinavian city with a Muslim majority within a decade or two, has nine times as many reported robberies per capita as Copenhagen, Denmark. Yet the number one priority for the political class in Sweden during this year’s national election campaign seems to be demonizing neighboring Denmark for “xenophobia” and a “brutal” debate about Muslim immigration. During last years Jihad riots in France, Sweden’s Social Democratic Prime Minister Göran Persson criticised the way the French government handled the unrest in the country. “It feels like a very hard and confrontational approach.” Persson also rejected the idea of more local police as a “first step” in Sweden. “I don’t believe that’s the way we would choose in Sweden. To start sending out signals about strengthening the police is to break with the political line we have chosen to follow,” he said. Meanwhile, as their authorities have largely abandoned their third largest city to creeping anarchy, there is open talk among the native Swedes still remaining in Malmö of forming vigilante groups armed with baseball bats out of concern for their children’s safety. As I argued in another essay: If Arnold Schwarzenegger fails to get re-elected as Governor of California he may like to do a sequel to “Conan the Barbarian.” He could shoot it in Malmö. He will get the extras for free.
What happened to the famous Swedish nanny state, you say? Don’t Swedes pay the highest tax rates in the world? Yes, they do. But tens of billions of kroner, some say several hundred billions, are being spent every year on propping up rapidly growing communities of Muslim immigrants. Sweden has become the entire world’s welfare office, because the political elites have decided that massive Muslim immigration is “good for the economy.” Soon Sweden’s “army” may comprise no more than 5,000 men, five thousand troops to defend a nation more than three times the area of England. Moreover, it may take up to a year to assemble all of them, provided they are not on peacekeeping missions abroad. That Sweden might soon need a little peacekeeping at home seems to escape the establishment. In 2006 the celebrated Swedish welfare state has become the world’s largest pyramid scheme, an Enron with a national flag.
Although Sweden is an extreme example, similar stories could be told about much of Western Europe. As Mark Steyn points out, the Jihad in the streets of France looked like the early skirmishes of an impending Eurabian civil war, brought on by massive Muslim immigration and Multicultural stupidity. Law and order is slowly breaking down in major and even minor cities across the European continent, and the streets are ruled by aggressive gangs of Muslim youngsters. At the same time, Europeans are paying some of the highest taxes in the world. We should remind our authorities that the most important task of the state – some would even claim it should be the only task of the state – is to uphold the rule of law in exchange for taxation. Since it is becoming pretty obvious that this is no longer the case in Eurabia, we should question whether these taxes are still legitimate, or whether they are simply disguised Jizya paid in the form of welfare to Muslims and our new Eurocrat aristocracy. Although not exactly the Boston Tea Party, perhaps the time has now come for a pan-European tax rebellion: We will no longer pay taxes until our authorities restore law and order and close the borders to Muslim immigration.
This is urgent. When enough people feel that the system is no longer working and that the social contract has been breached, the entire fabric of democratic society could unravel. What happens when the welfare state system breaks down, and there is no longer enough money to “grease” the increasing tensions between immigrants and native Europeans? And what happens when people discover that their own leaders, through the EU networks and the Euro-Arab Dialogue described by Bat Ye’or in her book “Eurabia,” have been encouraging all these Muslims to settle here in the first place? There will be massive unemployment, and tens of millions of people will feel angry, scared and humiliated, betrayed by the system, by society and by their own democratic leaders. This is a situation in some ways similar to the Great Depression that led to the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s. Is this where we are heading once again, with fear, rising Fascism and political assassinations? The difference is that the “Jewish threat” in the 1930s was entirely fictional, whereas the “Islamic threat” now is very real. However, it is precisely the trauma caused by the events of 70 years ago that is clouding our judgement this time, since any talk at all about the threat posed by Muslim immigration or about preserving our own culture is being dismissed as “the same rhetoric as the Nazis used against the Jews.” Europeans have been taught to be so scared of our own shadows that we are incapable of seeing that darkness can come from the outside, too. Maybe Europe will burn again, in part as a belated reaction to the horrors of Auschwitz.







www. for more symptoms of radiation harassment.

THE SATANIC INFLUENCE IN ELITE CANADA - Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite Satanists?

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

In February, Canadians had their mental paradigm shattered when a senior member of the armed forces, Col. Russell Williams was arrested and charged with murdering two women."The accusations shook the armed forces and the Canadian public. Col. Williams had been hand-picked and 'pipelined' into the upper echelons of the air force. He trained new pilots, flew the prime minister's plane and last summer was awarded command of S-Wing Trenton, with 2300 men and women, the country's largest and busiest air force base." (Globe and Mail, April 17.)Williams is accused of murdering a subordinate, Cpl Marie-France Comeau in her home last October, and another woman Jessica Lloyd on Jan. 28. He is also accused of breaking into the homes of other women, stripping them, beating them and photographing them naked. He was arrested by the Ontario Provincial Police at a roadblock when an officer noticed his tire treads matched those found near Lloyd's home. Canadians were dumbfounded. As the Globe and Mail put it: "How is it possible that someone so polished and groomed for leadership could stand accused of such crimes?"Canadians will continue to be baffled until they realize that such events, including cases of missing persons and child molestation, are symptomatic of the presence of a satanic cult, the Illuminati, subverting "respectable" society. This is true of most countries.PAUL BERNARDO (LEFT)On February 12, the Ottawa Sun revealed that Russell Williams was a college pal of Paul Bernardo, who murdered and dismembered three teenage girls and raped 19 others in Toronto in the late 1980's. They both studied economics at the Scarborough campus of the University of Toronto. The police speculated that the two may have "competed" against each other in terms of sex crimes.What the Bernardo trial covered up and the newspaper ignored, is that Bernardo's murders were satanic in nature. They were so horrific that the trial proceedings were made secret. Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka filmed the murders as snuff films for the entertainment of a network of elite Illuminati Satanists. This is the real reason the trial was hit with a publication ban.This information is contained in a rare encyclopedic work entitled "New World Order - Corruption in Canada" (1994) edited by Robert O'Driscoll and Elizabeth Elliott. The editors had many contacts inside the Illuminati. They were told these ritual murders are a source of spiritual power for satanists. (p.24) "The serial killer's dissection of the body always parallels his attempt to vivisect the soul. In many cases, the limbs of the body are kept in close proximity for long periods of time even after they decompose; Damher in the US kept parts of the body in his fridge to be consumed at his will. Reports of these vivisections [and snuff films] go straight to the Illuminati or their political agents [and] to other cells of the Church [of Satan] as distant as far flung Japan." (p.25)CONCLUSIONWe will continue to have our paradigm shattered until we stop looking at the symptoms and address the cause, a vast satanic underground whose members are respected citizens by day and demons at night. If Russell Williams is any indication, its tentacles reach into the highest offices in the land.


see segment at min 34.45 to about min 40.

THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING AT 25 BAMBURGH CIRCLE TORONTO. SEE UTUBE CHANNEL "helenkurdin" for another victim in the area.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

psychiatry - a perveted instrument to control YOU?

Psychiatrists On Psychiatry

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, Introduction

psychiatry - a fake? a fraud? a crime...

Press For Truth Assaulted By Security Thug While Covering Al Gore Event/...






Jesus Mendoza TI

Effects from Remotely Applied Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons

Gang Stalking and Electronic harassment in national TV.mp4

Jiverly Wong: A Targeted Individual?

Remote Body Manipulation via Neurological Weapons (1 of 2)


Stalking & Directed Energy or "Future" Weapons - 12/20th/2007 - E


Against Use of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons. Protest in Toronto, ...

Against use of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons,

Against use of Psychotronic ( Mind Control ) Weapons. Lawsuit against To...

U.S. Silently Tortures Americans with Cell Tower Microwaves

Regional Homeland Security- administered fusion centers use a nationwide microwave/laser electromagnetic radiation "directed energy" weapon system to silently torture, impair, subjugate unconstitutionally "targeted" Americans and their families -- an American genocide hiding in plain sight.
• Victims' own cell phones may be used to target them.
• How a young FBI agent's 'I believe you' gave victim the faith to go public.
President Obama has told the nation and the world that America does not torture.
President Obama is wrong -- and security/military/intel officials in his administration know it. America tortures. Not just Gitmo and Bagram "war on terror" detainees, but its own citizens. Each day, a nationwide microwave/laser electromagnetic radiation directed energy weapon attack system employing "phased array" cell tower antenna transmitter/receivers and GPS satellites -- under the apparent command of dozens of U.S. Department of Homeland Security- administered "fusion centers" -- is used to silently and invisibly torture, impair, subjugate, and degrade the physical and neurological health of thousands of unjustly, unconstitutionally "targeted" American citizens...
...and most of the victims have no idea what is making them sick, tired, exhausted, irritable, confused, lethargic; plagued with painful, debilitating head and body aches, sharp, piercing, painful ringing tones audible only to the target, temporary or permanent cognitive impairment...
...leaving them unable to function normally and lead a happy, healthy life.
Victims of this government-engineered, stealth genocide are robbed of the most basic of human rights -- free will, freedom from external manipulation of their physiological and mental functions.
Medical experts have confirmed that irradiation with microwaves and other radio frequencies can induce injury, illness and disease, from strokes and aneurysms to cataracts and cancer -- and death.
The military aptly applies the descriptor "slow kill" to these weapons systems, capable of targeting and delivering a wide array of electromagnetic microwave and other radio frequencies with extreme precision -- not "faster than a speeding bullet," in the parlance of "Superman," but at the speed of LIGHT.According to publicly available patents upon which the system is based... this "multi-functional radio frequency directed energy weapon system" can generate precision "directed" bursts of pulsed microwave energy, or other radio frequencies that effect human physiology, at variable power levels (or "amplitude"), using the combined power of multiplexed antenna installations -- hence the term, "phased array."
That fact likely explains why so many cell towers are popping up all over America, from urban neighborhoods to expansive rural plains and farmlands. The cover story -- that these are just cell phone towers -- amounts to nothing less than a big government lie.Yet the system is inextricably and ominously linked to consumer cellular communications.
It appears that a human target's own cell phone may serve as a covert targeting device for this attack system. Those who are marked for electromagnetic attack could be paying for a telecommunications service that enables their silent torture, impairment and potential injury.
(For more on targeting technologies, see the footnote at the bottom of this article.)
This cell tower attack network has been deployed under the cover of "national security," apparently as a means to instantly and covertly disable electronic devices that could be used as weapons by terrorists or hostile forces. The technology requires a continuous stream of microwave and laser radiation -- meaning that the entire population of the United States, as well as other nations, is now being bathed in microwave emissions every minute of every hour of every day.
Because the system has been built out only in recent years, no entity has studied the long-term health effects of having a stealth cell tower weapon system clustered in populated areas.
Victims of this attack system maintain that silent assaults directed at a targeted individual can cause "induced dementia" -- symptoms that mimic Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive dysfunction, but which can dissipate when and if the attacks cease -- or if the "amplitude" of the microwave frequency is turned down by its clandestine government operatives."The idea is to make the 'target' look mentally ill or emotionally unstable, so that the person can be shunted into a mental hospital or otherwise marginalized and removed from society," says one alleged victim, who says that the silent attacks rendered him so weak, disoriented and fatigued that he was unable to work for a period of four years. This victim says he slowly regained his full cognitive abilities only after repeated visits to a local FBI office, where he pleaded with agents to intervene on his behalf. But he reports that the attacks have continued, causing both fatigue and sharp momentary pain that he says amounts to torture.He also maintains that his local police chief is aware of the covert attack system, but appears to be powerless to stop the attacks."What kept me going when the attacks were most severe, from the summer of 2004 and into 2008, was when I went down to the FBI and literally begged a young FBI agent to help me, and she looked me directly in the eye and said, 'I believe you.' "When she said that, it gave me the confidence to go public despite my fears that I'd be treated like some kind of a nut case. Now that the truth is getting out, I'm grateful to that young agent for giving me the faith to fight this."
By the pervasive deployment of these weapons systems as a tool of torture and enslavement, the U.S. government is denying thousands of its citizens the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The U.S. government has enabled the "slow kill," torture, or impairment of thousands of its own people while cruelly stripping them of free will -- the very essence of what it is to be human.
This classified weapons system functions in every community in America. Some local police officials know about it. Apparently, they have been sworn to secrecy on "national security" grounds. The mainstream media has its collective head in the sand, buying the government propaganda that a new generation of directed energy weapons is "less lethal" and thus "saves lives." That is another big lie.This covert torture matrix is every bit as heinous as the death machine of Nazi Germany -- perhaps even more so, because it is silent and invisible.
Victims of these silent assaults also are subject to relentless "community stalking" harassment, vandalism and terroristic acts performed by government-enabled "community watch" and policing organizations that have been transmogrified by a secret multi-agency federal program into a vigilante American Gestapo.
Victims also say they are subject to financial and career sabotage enabled by government agencies that have deemed them to be "dissidents" or undesirables -- or have slandered them as suspected criminals or "enemies of the state."
President Obama: Wake up. You and other top officials also may be in the cross-hairs -- and this stealth technology, when applied using Pavlovian methodology, can even be used to covertly influence behavior and decision-making -- maybe even your own."These are crimes against humanity and the Constitution, being perpetrated under the cover of national security and 'safe streets' by multiple federal and local agencies and commands -- an American genocide hiding in plain sight, enabled by the naivete of those who think 'it can't happen here.'" -- Victor Livingston, former reporter for WTXF-TV Philadelphia, Phila. Bulletin, N.Y. Daily News, St. Petersburg Times; producer/host, MSG Network Sports Business Report; columnist, TARGETING SYSTEMSThis cell tower- based microwave attack system apparently uses various advanced technologies to target human beings. According to information obtained from unclassified patents, defense industry trade journals, as well as an analysis of victim accounts, it appears that a three-dimensional, invisible infrared laser targeting sensor array secreted in or near the victim's home or place of business makes possible precision-placed electromagnetic frequency attacks, prolonged or sudden and momentary, to specific body parts -- internal or external. The literature states that laser targeting systems can be trained on vehicles or moving targets, facilitating precision attacks even if the target is traveling at extremely high rates of speed. such a sophisticated targeting device is not available, it appears the microwave attack system is capable of acquiring targeting coordinates from the intended victim's cell phone or GPS unit. In that case, the targeting is believed to be less precise, but still able to produce disorienting and painful attacks, such as prolonged and unremitting headache and induced weakness and fatigue. Some victims of this stealth technology now use their cell phones and GPS units only when absolutely necessary, and remove the cell phone's battery to prevent the broadcast of their location coordinates. (Just turning off the unit does not suffice, since a cell phone's power can be turned on by remote control.) If neither a 3D infrared laser targeting device nor a "live" cell phone is available, the system still appears capable of delivering painful, disorienting or even disabling frequencies. It is believed that the government has equipped certain personnel -- either its own agents, or, some victims believe, local law enforcement or civilian vigilantes -- with portable laser-equipped devices that can "paint the target" from a distance. It is possible that some sworn officers may be under the impression that this technology is used merely for "through the wall surveillance," not to attack citizens they are sworn to protect. The literature also indicates that the microwave weapon system can engage the target by way of tiny RFID tags covertly placed in or on the target's possessions or clothing. These film-thin RFID tags are ubiquitous in everyday commerce, used for inventory tracking of many consumer products. "GPS-linked" video surveillance systems, in public areas or inside commercial establishments, also could be used to transmit targeting coordinates to government command centers.
High-powered military satellites are believed to be capable of detecting ground-based tracking devices from low Earth orbit.
The article linked below, from the web site of the conservative Heritage Foundation, describes a directed energy weapon system that sounds much like the cell tower- based system described here. The article discusses a microwave/laser weapon system capable of both tracking and engaging a speeding target at the speed of light. Heritage Foundation article describes directed energy weapon systems as "under development," despite the fact that the cell tower- based system is fully operational. Also, sentences referencing the effectiveness of directed energy systems against "human targets" such as "terrorists" apparently have been expunged in recent weeks -- after this author quoted the article in the "comments" section of this web site.
OR (if links are corrupted / disabled): RE: "GESTAPO USA"
The author of these articles is seeking a foundation dedicated to human rights to underwrite his work, which, since the inception of these pages in July 2008, has been strictly pro bono. The underwriter's financial support would be publicly credited at the top and the bottom of each story. To my knowledge, does not share its advertising revenues with its editorial contributors.Those seriously interested in this opportunity to support what I believe is vital and unique journalism, please attempt to contact me via email with contact information ( My email has been subject to interception and tampering; so if I do not respond in a timely matter it surely means I did not receive the message. In that event, please leave word in the "comments" section of one of my articles and I will endeavor to reach you by other means -- preferably, in person. I reside within commuting distance of Manhattan.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Areas to Consider When Researching Gang Stalking - WRITTEN ON LAW FIRM SITE IN KINGSTON ONT.

14 March 2010 Categories: general

In researching Gang Stalking there are many factors to be considered. Itâ??s not a subject matter that should be studied lightly. Also the average psychiatrist if not familiar with some of the other issues that are affecting members of many communities might not be able to make an iron clad assessment without looking at several factors. Here are factors that I think should be considered.Areas to be aware of when studying Gang Stalking.Workplace Mobbing.Itâ??s our nearest and dearest cousin on an emotional and psychological level. The methodology used in workplace mobbing are some of the same that we see happening with Gang Stalking. is slowly growing in the U.S. and in Canada about the darker side of work and the devastating effects that mobbing and bullying can have on the self, health, organizations and society. Our colleagues in North America, though still rather few, do their part to contribute to the growing interest. For example: Three conferences on the topic have been organized in the U.S. since 2000, in California, Massachusetts and Iowa; the Department of Environmental Quality for the State of Oregon has established the first anti-mobbing policy in the U.S.; efforts to add new anti-mobbing legislation are under way in California, other states and in Canada; and several new Internet self-help and advice groups and websites address specific professional groups or aspects of incivility at work. In the aftermath of the Columbine and other school shooting tragedies, the media has increasingly discussed bullying in the schools, thus also raising awareness of adult bullying/mobbing in the workplace.The Snitching systemWebsites such as are doing a really nice job of showing the world the other side of snitching, and itâ??s true affect on society.Also Alexandra Natapoff has done some wonderful research into the wider and more impacting issues of the Informant system and how itâ??s affecting members of some communities. In some areas over 50% or more of ethnic communities had been inducted into becoming police informants. Both men and women. what I have seen, the numbers are higher than this and itâ??s no longer limited to the communities focused on in her research.Community Based PolicingThis method of policing is changing how societies think, react and interact. Itâ??s basically turning our communities into societies like what they have in China, had in Russia, or East Germany. There is a U.N. agenda called 2020 that seeks to adapt this model for every country in the world by 2020.â??Ruling the community with an iron fist. â??Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.â? Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.â? communitarians promote the same kinds of surveillance and neighborhood informants the communists used to control East Germans. Americans are slowly being taught what East Germans had to learn very quickly. Today the KGB trains â??communityâ? police all over America. Our friendly neighborhood cops are saving our communities from criminals and terrorists.Crisis CentersWhen I tried to follow up on some of the research that â??Normaâ? over at had done in conjunction with crisis center I found out that these are some of the places that targets were turning to for help. Before the Gang Stalking websites were available, woman and to a much smaller extent men were calling the crisis centers, more specifically the Rape Crisis Center to get some help, or to find anyone who knew about Gang (Organised) Stalking.See what some of these psychiatrist do not realise is that before the websites were available, the beliefs were not going away. People were not accepting the false explanation that they were delusional. This was in many cases, too, real, to obvious, and far too life impacting. So when the police failed, doctors, psychiatrists, etc. They were calling the crisis centers.Online before the Gang Stalking websites, they were visiting Mobbing, Conspiracy, Bullying, and mind control sites. These were the only places that were close to having any information, shared stories, or experiences that might help the target to further understand what they were going through.Systemic Corruption.Before his death Tim Fields who shed some much needed light on the Bully phenomenon also saw a very obvious pattern of collusion amongst the targets that were seeking help. He started to research it and then passed away before he could get further. targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other sideâ??s interests at heart rather than yours.The employerâ??s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondentâ??s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.After the tribunal youâ??re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and thereâ??s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly itâ??s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.Although thereâ??s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?Tim Fields is not the only person to have noticed this type of systemic corruption when it comes time to finding help for issues of Bullying, Workplace Mobbing, etc but he might have been the one to shed the brightest light on it, had he lived. SurveillanceThe unchecked surveillance that is happening to many private citizens all across the globe. We live in a new reality, but the diagnosis is the same. Think you are being followed around? Must be paranoia. Yet had the family in this article gone for help, thinking they were being spied upon, they might well have been diagnosed as paranoid, when in fact their concerns would have been fully warranted. wasnâ??t just a cursory background check.The details of the three-week surveillance operation read like an MI5 logbook: â??Target vehicle pulls up and parks.â?â??Female and three children enter vehicle.â?â??Curtains open and lights on in premises.â?This very average, unassuming family were spied upon, 24/7, followed around by (Informants) Covert Human Intelligence Sources, had their play by play activity recorded, all because someone thought they were falsifying the school district that they lived in. This is just a glimpse at what our societies have turned into and how these laws and unchecked surviellances ae being used and abused, to the unchecked power that has been handed out to many branches within society.Lastly is the concern or question of wither Gang Stalking website help to enhance, or feed a delusion, and can these website prevent someone from seeking help for an illness?Itâ??s a great question and one that no one can answer definitively. If someone believes that something is wrong and traditional points of reference are not providing answers or a solution, they will clearly look towards other points of healing. This is what was happening with Gang Stalking.Before the websites were here, the beliefs were still held by individuals. When the websites were not here, people were still desperately seeking help and assistance. They were using outside sources which at times could not always formulate a basis of reference for what they were experiencing, but they were still using those points of references, because it was the best available at the time.If someone goes to a mobbing website and it confirms a belief that they already have that co-workers are out to get them, then itâ??s up to the individual how they further choose to use the information. The same is true with someone using the bullying website who believes that there is collusion within the system and that is what is happening to them.The Gang Stalking websites are here, just like mobbing, bullying, etc and they are providing information, research, and shared experiences for the website visitor that chooses to review and consider the information provided
