in: Science & Technology News
The brain is on the verge of becoming the next battlefield with weaponscurrently being designed to hack directly into your nervous system.
"Controlled Personnel Effects"(see image, right) is one of the Air Force’s ambitious long-termchallenges. It starts with better and more accurate bombs, but moves onto discuss devices that "make selected adversaries think or actaccording to our needs… By studying and modeling the human brain andnervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnelis also possible."
Thefirst stage is technology to “remotely create physical sensations.”They give the example of the Active Denial System "people zapper" whichuses a high-frequency radiation similar to microwaves as a non-lethalmeans of crowd control.
Other weapons can affect the nervous system directly. The Pulsed Energy Projectilefires a short intense pulse of laser energy. This vaporizes the outerlayer of the target, creating a rapidly-expanding expanding ball ofplasma. At different power levels, those expanding plasmas coulddeliver a harmless warning, stun the target, or disable them – all withpinpoint laser precision from a mile away.
Early reports on the effects of PEPsmentioned temporary paralysis, then thought to be related to ultrasonicshockwaves. It later became apparent that the electromagnetic pulsecaused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve cells.
Details of this emerged in a heavily-censored document released to Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Projectunder the Freedom if Information Act. Called “Sensory consequence ofelectromagnetic pulsed emitted by laser induced plasmas,” it describedresearch on activating the nerve cells responsible for sensingunpleasant stimuli: heat, damage, pressure, cold. By selectivelystimulating a particular nociceptor, a finely tuned PEP mightsensations of say, being burned, frozen or dipped in acid — allwithout doing the slightest actual harm.
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