Friday, April 16, 2010

Navy confirms TI reports on Electromagnetic Pulse WMD threat
excerpted from above link:

Navy confirms TI reports on Electromagnetic Pulse WMD threat

As Mayors and citizens globally are gathering support to help prevent nuclear destruction before the upcoming UN conference, Navy Times reports that Navy engineers "in March" began researching how to prepare for "an attack by one of the most feared and controversial weapons of the modern age: an electromagnetic pulse." Targeted individuals have been reporting, with first-hand experience, effects of directed dnergy weapons, also based on electromagnetic technology..
Naval Sea System’s Command’s EMP assessment group is reportedly "the latest government agency to tackle the threat from an EMP." (Phillip Ewing, Electromagnetic pulse threat to be analyzed, Navy News, March 30, 2010)
The Navy report describes the new weapon effect as "a devastating electromagnetic burst that fries computers, sensors, weapons and all other electronics in its path."
Imagine what this weapon does to people if struck. It is said to be light a lightening strike. For people with pace-makers, target communities, the effects can be lethal.
Small hand-held EMP weapons exist and are easily accessible for covert injury and destruction. Targeted individuals consistently report being burned or otherwise injured by electromagnetic or Directed Energy weaponry (DEW) being covertly tested or applied on them and their belongings for persecution. Few lay people are aware of the new technology weapons. TIs gain little sympathy when reporting their pain and suffering, even when exhibiting skin and belonging burns.
Numerous high technology weapons, under the guise of "Non-lethal weapons," are being tested. Others are developed and in use.
One of many examples of a "Non-lethal" Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) used is the shockwave weapon, employing theVortex Ring Gun system. "Generating high power shockwave propagating at supersonic speed, Vortex ring Guns can generate high pressures which inflict considerable damage to a target, or carry a payload of kinetic or chemical agents over a distance beyond 20 meters." (emphasis added) (See Non-lethal Directed Energy Weapons. Defense Update)
The High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office is co-sponsoring the partially secret 2010 Directed Energy Professional Society Directed Energy Symposium April 12-16 in Monterrey, California.
"The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) fosters research and development in directed energy (DE), including high energy laser (HEL) and high power microwave (HPM) technologies, for national defense and civilian applications through professional communication and education." (DEPS website)
All weapons must be tested on human subjects before wider application. Historically, dissenters and society's most vulnerable, such as those institutionalized or in the armed services, have been used as human test subjects, usually unknowingly.
Since new weapons penetrate buildings to injure targets, they leave no evidence of the perpetrator, a perfect crime weapon. In communities throughout the United States and elsewehere, victim claims of being injured, and in some cases tortured and tortured to death, with new weaponry are not only easily dismissed by the unaware public, effects include revictimization.
Revictimization by many health workers, psychologists and others is possibly by design now that "Homeland Security" has tentacles throughout government and private sector agencies. The writer posits that the secret program involving targeting individuals is as well designed and orchestrated as secret prison detainee torture and experimentation in the "war on terror," with some doctors and mental health workers recording results of the in-community torture, no different to Nazi medical experiments of yesteryear expcept better developed and more easily secretive. Perpetrators have had sixty years to perfect suppression.
The hand-held directed energy weapons are to be used by American police to "control" civilians and are in the hands of criminals. Weapons have 'gone missing' en route to the Middle East wars, including an entire shipload. The new high-tech weapons have been used in Iraq, burning holes right through people, including civilians, with no bloodshed.
In 2007, 30% of weapons sent to Iraq, were "unaccounted" - missing according to the GAO and reported by the Washington Post.
A New York Times editorial included the following about the 'missing weapons': "Some were presumably diverted into black market arms bazaars where they were picked up for cash, no questions asked. Some almost certainly ended up in the hands of insurgent militias, who use small arms fire to force American military convoys into the path of roadside bombs."

Deborah Dupré, B.S, M.S. and Post-Grad DipCont.ED, has been a human and civil rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Feel free to support her at and by subscribing to Dupré's reports. (See "Subscribe" above this article.) She respectfully requests posting the link to this site (rather than entire article) unless republishing permission is granted, and welcomes emails: Dupre's recently released book, Operation H1N1: Vaccine Liberty or Death, with a comprehensive timeline of U.S. non-consensual human experimentation, is available at
Photo: National Terror Alert

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